Energy communities
for a fair energy transition in Europe

Through the Sun4All project approach, four European ‘pilot cities’ aim at facilitating access to renewable energy generation (and its economic and environmental benefits) for vulnerable households, which suffer from energy poverty and which otherwise would not have the capacity of investing in solar installations.

At each pilot location (Almada (PT), Barcelona (ES), Rome (IT), and the Community of Communes Cœur de Savoie (FR)), eligible participants will be identified and invited to be part of the project.

The infographic shows, how the Sun4All financial support scheme works

Beneficiaries will receive financial, as well as non-financial support. Financial support will be provided by making participants co-owners of local photovoltaic installations at no cost. The solar energy produced by the photovoltaic installations that are part of the project, will be evenly credited on the participants’ energy bills and lead to a reduction of their actual energy costs.

Following the concept of ‘energy communities’, participants of the project will complementarily receive advice on efficient energy management at home, as well as the possibility to participate in workshops related to the topics of energy rights and efficiency. Through knowledge transfer and an essential community programme, empowerment of participants will be promoted.

In that way, the Sun4All project supports an inclusive energy transition process towards sustainable energy production in Europe. Building on the results of the testing phase, the Sun4All support scheme will be scaled up across Europe.

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement no. 101032239.

Why a socially just and inclusive transition process is important

Consumers in a situation of vulnerability are facing legal, economic and/ or cultural barriers, which hinder them from being part of the energy transition towards renewable energies. The opportunity to alleviate energy poverty through renewable energy schemes is therefore still not a reality.

Energy poverty initiatives must ensure access to renewable energy also to those suffering a situation of vulnerability, leaving no one behind. The Sun4All project intends to contribute to a socially just energy transition, giving access to renewable energy to people suffering a situation of energy poverty and coupling this approach with community involvement and direct energy advice to pro- and consumers. As part of the project, households will receive support on energy management at home. In that way, eligible households can participate in the energy transition process, while saving energy and money at the same time and improving their living conditions.

They are testing the Sun4All scheme

The Sun4All project is going to be implemented in 4 pilot locations: Barcelona (Spain), Rome (Italy), Community of Communes Cœur de Savoie (France), and Almada (Portugal). These locations face (complex) challenges of social inclusion, and are early movers on solar energy adoption.
When identifying beneficiaries of the Sun4All programme, different socioeconomic factors will be taken into account. Each pilot location will define eligibility criteria, depending on the local situation and capacities. In Barcelona, focus will lie on residents of two selected buildings, whereas in Almada beneficiaries will be residents of social housings. In the Community of Communes Cœur de Savoie as well as in the City of Rome, beneficiaries will be identified with the help of social services.

Learn more about the pilot locations and their specific project scope and respective Sun4All approach:

European Union

This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement N°101032239.