What are the main benefits of participating?
Joining the Sun4All Capacity Building and Knowledge Sharing Programme will provide interested stakeholders with the opportunity to:
- Learn from the experience of Sun4All pilots and members of the Community of Practice.
- Join inspiring webinars and learn more about tackling energy poverty at the local level.
- Participate in the technical visits to different Sun4All demonstration sites.
- Raise awareness and educate the public using the Sun4All learning materials.
- Plan the integration of Sun4All into their city´s Sustainable Energy and Climate Action Plan.
- Adapt and replicate the innovative financial scheme tested by the Sun4All project.
Get inspired
The Sun4All project sets-up a financial support scheme, which is already successfully running in the United States. The existing New York State initiative (utility bill assistance programme), named "Solar for All", is now adopted to the European context in the framework of the Sun4All project.
Four European cities and regions (Coeur de Savoie (FR), Barcelona (ES), Rome (IT), and Almada (PT)) are acting as early adopters of the Sun4All financial support scheme for renewable energy access. After testing and evaluationg the model in pilot cities and regions, it was replicated and up-scaled in other European cities and regions.
Who can participate?
Local and regional governments, public and private utilities and energy agencies, civil society organisations, social housing associations, energy cooperatives, energy agencies, energy service companies (ESCOs), etc.
Are you also interested in replicating the Sun4All scheme in your city or region?
Have a look at the resources of Sun4All Capacity Building and Knowledge Sharing Programme and enhance your capacity to replicate and adopt Sun4All in your city and region:
Sun4All Flyer
To download the Sun4All flyer (PDF), please click on the desired language version.
English (PDF)
Catalan (PDF)
Spanish (PDF)
Portuguese (PDF)
French (PDF)
Italian (PDF)
This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement N°101032239.