Photo by Yannick Siegel (CCCS)

Communauté de Communes Cœur de Savoie

The Community of Communes Cœur de Savoie is a peri-urban, mainly residential area located at the crossroad of three valleys in the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes region.

In this region, the Sun4All support scheme will be applied and tested to subsidise vulnerable households, which suffer from high energy costs.

Sun4All financial scheme in Cœur de Savoie

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In this short interview, Xavier Bouvier (French National Institute for Solar Energy) introduce the Sun4All pilot in Cœur de Savoie. Why did his organisation decide to join this project together with the Community of Communes Cœur de Savoie to tackle energy poverty? What is the specificity of the financial scheme used in Cœur de Savoie?

Finally, a beneficiary of Sun4All financial support reports on her experience with the project and her hopes for the future.

How does it work?

In Cœur de Savoie, two different models were used.

In the first one, the energy generated by the rool PV installation owned by the Communauté de Communes Cœur de Savoie was sold to EDF-OA. 35 owners benefited from a subvention to change their heating system, and fifteen vulnerable tenants received support to finance their energy bills. Local associations and social workers made the link between the vulnerable households and the Sun4All pilot partners.

In the second model, the Communauté de Communes Cœur de Savoie financed a PV plant for self-consumption. The produced energy was shared with households in the form of bill reduction via a social landlord. A self-consumption contract was concluded between the social landlord and ENEDIS.

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Why here?

Cœur de Savoie is affected by the issue of energy poverty due to multiple reasons. Housing in the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes region is known to be very energy intensive, due to the specific geographical and climatic conditions in the region. This leads to expenditures for energy being 6 % higher in this area, compared to the French metropolitan average. Approximately 50 % of the households of the municipality have incomes, which fall below the threshold for social housing. Therefore, the social housing stock of the Community of Communes Cœur de Savoie lies above the average of the Savoie department.

With the “Sustainable Energy Action Plan” which was released in December 2020, the region expresses its will to locally react to climate change issues.

Solar installations on rooftops of public buildings located in the region will generate the solar energy dedicated to the Sun4All project. The produced energy will be evenly credited on the participants’ energy bills and lead to a reduction of their actual energy costs. Each Sun4All beneficiary, mainly residents of poorly insulated housing units, will receive a share of 0.5 kW. It is expected that this share corresponds to approximately 30 % of the beneficiaries’ energy consumption.
The Sun4All project offers the opportunity to link the region’s existing and planned solar installations (see map below) with the topic of energy poverty. The Community of Communes Cœur de Savoie aims at providing sufficient renewable energy resources to be able to effectively act against energy poverty.

"Pour le mandat 2020-2026, notre présidente a mis en avant deux enjeux majeurs: la transition écologique et la solidarité. Sun4All nous offre l’opportunité de faire converger ces deux objectifs localement mais également avec nos partenaires européens. C’est une chance!"

- Sébastien Eyraud, Communauté de communes Cœur de Savoie


Communauté de Communes Cœur de Savoie


Sun4All Project Flyer

French (PDF)


Hover on the markers on the Communauté des Communes Cœur de Savoie map to get more information.

5 PV installations on rooftops of public buildings, such as nurseries, schools and administration buildings.

  • 60 kW installed power
  • 25 kW will contribute to the Sun4All project.

In the course of the year 2022, other installations will be installed to contribute to the Sun4All project in the region to expand the reach of the Sun4All project and to be able to support more vulnerable households.

In the upcoming years, the Community of Communes Cœur de Savoie plans to establish a ground-based solar photovoltaic plant with a production capacity of 4,600 kWp.

Impressions from the Community of Communes Cœur de Savoie

St. Hélène du Lac, a town located in the area of Coeur de Savoie

Photovoltaic panels at a school building in Montmélian

Apartment buildings in the city of Montmélian

Nursing home with photovoltaic panels in Montmélian

Get to know the other pilot locations 

European Union

This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement N°101032239.