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Factsheets on home energy efficiency (in EN and IT)

For households in vulnerable socio-economic conditions, improving behaviour in the use and management of energy in the home can be a great help in reducing the cost of bills....

Publication Date: 14 Jun 2024

Author: CITERA - Sapienza Universita di Roma

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Policy Note

Policy brief: Fleshing out energy community legislation in EU Member states for a fair energy transition

This policy brief highlights the role of national governments in fostering the development of energy communities in their territories overall, and in particular on how to...

Publication Date: 14 Jun 2024

Author: Klervi Kerneïs, Jacques Delors Institute

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Policy Note

Policy brief: Highlighting effective ways for local governments to support energy communities and socially inclusive renewable energy projects

This policy brief highlights the different roles that local governments can play to foster socially inclusive renewable energy schemes, building notably on the Sun4All...

Publication Date: 19 Apr 2024

Author: Klervi Kerneïs, Jacques Delors Institute

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Guidebook to integrate Sun4All in Cities Sustainable Energy and Climate Action Plans

The Sun4All guidebook presents knowledge and experience gained by the Sun4All pilots and Members of the Sun4All Community of Practice. It aims to provide support to local and...

Publication Date: 27 Mar 2024

Author: Jurijs Grizans, ICLEI European Secretariat

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Comic strip Emma's Destiny

"Emma's Destiny": a comic strip to raise awareness of climate issues and propose solutions through a constructive story. The story, deliberately imagined with a positive vision...

Publication Date: 28 Feb 2024

Author: Institut National de l´Energie Solaire (INES)

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European Union

This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement N°101032239.