Sun4All Community of Practice

Sun4All tackles energy poverty and facilitates vulnerable consumers' participation in a fair energy transition in Europe. One of the objectives of the project is to be sustainable and replicable throughout Europe. To ensure this goal, a Community of Practice of 9 cities and utilities was established to follow the project and plan a replication of the Sun4All schemes in their regions. The Community of Practice will observe the pilots' implementation to get some first-hand experience, and work more effectively on their own specific energy poverty eradication plans and local business model.

What is the role of the members of the Community of Practice?

The members of the Community of Practice support the implementation of Sun4All activities and the uptake of the project results, within their reach of competence. In particular, they aim to:

  • Participate in the Sun4All project's engagement activities, capacity building and knowledge sharing events.
  • Observe the Sun4All pilots' implementation process and work on planning sustainable adoption of the Sun4All locally.   
  • Promote the local multi-stakeholder partnership to ensure appropriate and effective transfer of knowledge of the Sun4All programme project locally.
  • Develop the organised social dialogue with the community and potential beneficiaries to identify opportunities that could facilitate the adoption of the Sun4All locally.
  • Evaluate the potential of adopting and up scaling the Sun4All programme.

What are the main benefits of being a member of the Sun4All Community of Practice?

The members of the Community of Practice receive from the Sun4All project:

  • Tailored mentoring services to tap into the knowledge and experience of the Sun4All pilots and thus to work on alleviating the energy poverty at the local level.
  • The possibility to join Sun4All engagement activities, capacity building and knowledge sharing events.

An Engagement Programme was designed to assist members of the Community of Practice with the adoption of the Sun4All programme in their city. It targets cities and utilities that are at various stages of the energy poverty alleviation journey.

Get inspired

The Sun4All project sets-up a financial support scheme, which is already successfully running in the United States. The existing New York State initiative (utility bill assistance programme), named "Solar for All", is now adopted to the European context in the framework of the Sun4All project.

Four European cities and regions (Coeur de Savoie (FR), Barcelona (ES), Rome (IT), and Almada (PT)) are acting as early adopters of the Sun4All financial support scheme for renewable energy access. After testing and evaluationg the model in pilot cities and regions, replication and up-scaling of the programme is foreseen in other European cities and regions.

Who are the members of the Community of Practice?

The 9 members are local public authorities or public utilities established in a European Union member state or an associated country. They were selected through an open call run by the project partners between December 2022 and February 2023. The Act of Constitution can be consulted here. The Sun4All Community of Practice consists of 9 cities and utilities covering Europe's diversity:

Are you also interested in replicating the Sun4All scheme in your city or region?

Have a look at the resources of Sun4All Capacity Building and Knowledge Sharing Programme and enhance your capacity to replicate and adopt Sun4All in your city and region: the Capacity and Training Package, the Guidebook to integrate Sun4All in Cities Sustainable Energy and Climate Action Plans or the Blueprint model for the Sun4All programme.

How were the members selected?

The members of the Community of Practice were selected through an open call run by the project partners between December 2022 and February 2023. To know more about this call, the procedure and criteria for the selection of the 10 members, have a look at the open call brochure and Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ).

 FAQ English (PDF)
FAQ Spanish (PDF)

Open Call Brochure

Sun4All Flyer

To download the Sun4All flyer (PDF), please click on the desired language version.

 English (PDF)
 Catalan (PDF)
Spanish (PDF)
Portuguese (PDF)
French (PDF)
​​​​​​​ Italian (PDF)

European Union

This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement N°101032239.