The Sun4All project partners

Within the scope of the Sun4All project, a specific support scheme will be tested in four pilot locations, which are Almada, Barcelona, Rome, and the Community of Communes Cœur de Savoie.

Aiming at a successful project outcome, Sun4All involves energy agencies at the pilot locations, which will use their expertise to ensure efficient energy management within the project. Public administrations and municipalities at the pilot locations are involved to ensure the establishment of the support scheme and to manage coordination between social services, residents or participants and the project partners. The association Ecoserveis will lead the project management with its expertise in the field of energy-related topics and project management, whereas the organization ICLEI Europe, the universities of Rome and Stavanger, INES and the Jacques Delors Institute will support the Sun4All programme by contributing with their broad knowledge and valuable experience to the various work packages.

Sun4All partners reunited in France for a consortium meeting in January 2023. (c)Sun4All


The Local Energy Management Agency of Almada (AGENEAL) was created by the Almada City Council with the objective to increase energy efficiency and to improve the use of renewable energy within the municipality of Almada. More than just a provider of technical support, AGENEAL (Agência Municipal de Energia de Almada) is established as a platform and forum for energy efficiency and climate change mitigation/ adaption, bringing together all relevant local stakeholders, with a strong influence on offer and demand of energy.

In the Sun4All project, AGENEAL will accompany the installation of photovoltaic installations to increase the solar energy production. It will take on the role of assessing the environmental and climate benefits. AGENEAL will contribute to putting the theoretical support scheme into practice, to ensure that people within the energy community will financially and socially benefit from the project. 

See AGENEAL's website


The purpose of Barcelona's local energy agency ALEB (Agència Local de l'Energia de Barcelona) is to promote Barcelona as an exemplary city in the handling of energy matters and their repercussion on the environment.

Accordingly, the agency aims at making the city of Barcelona improve in social and environmental grounds by fostering energy saving and energy efficiency, by creating knowledge about renewable energy sources and promoting them, and by developing high-quality energy services for all citizens.

Barcelona's Local Energy Agency includes all authorities, which are directly involved in energy and environmental management: Barcelona City Council, the Metropolitan Hydraulic Services and Waste Treatment Authority, the Catalan Energy Institute and the Generalitat of Catalonia's Ministry of Industry, Trade and Tourism as well as the autonomous University of Barcelona (UAB) and the Polytechnic University of Catalonia (UPC).

See ALEB's website

Almada City Council
Almada City Council

Serving a population of 175,000 people, the Almada City Council is responsible for the planning and management of local environmental actions.

In the field of environment, biodiversity and energy, Almada has been implementing its local strategy for climate change, which comprises the dimensions of mitigation and adaptation. The mitigation component addresses the reduction of energy related carbon emissions, by reducing energy use through the improvement of the efficiency in the use of energy and the replacement of fossil energy sources with renewable endogenous energy sources, thus paving the way towards a low carbon city.

By participating in the Sun4All project, the Almada City Council intends to provide social housing residents with the benefits of existing solar installations, boosting acceptance and recognition of renewable energy empowerment.

See Almada City Council's website

Cœur de Savoie
Cœur de Savoie

The Community of Communes Cœur de Savoie (CCCS) is a public establishment for inter-municipal cooperation with several responsibilities, such as territorial, socio-cultural economic and environmental development.

Labeled Positive Energy Territory in 2015, the Community of Communes Cœur de Savoie has ever since continued on its path towards energy transition with the preparation of a "Sustainable Energy Action Plan", amongst others. Actions related to energy include the renovation of numerous housing units, for example.

Within the Sun4All project, CCCS will coordinate the adaptation of the Sun4All scheme to the municipality's local context. The municipality will closely work with INES to ensure a smooth implementation of the project.

See Cœur de Savoie's website


Ecoserveis is a non-profit strategic innovation consultancy specialised in energy management issues. The association focuses on the relations between energy and society, providing solutions and building bridges between a society's energy needs and technology, research and innovation, in order to promote a fair and sustainable energy model.

The consultancy advices professionals, public authorities, companies and other entities in the fields of sustainable energy, sustainably mobility, financing sustainability projects, IoT, climate change and environmental protection. Moreover, ecoserveis carries out community engagement activities and projects to mobilize social groups and to raise the awareness for efficient use of resources.

See ecoserveis's website

ICLEI Europe
ICLEI Europe

ICLEI - Local Governments for Sustainability is a global network of more than 1,750 local and regional governments committed to sustainable development. Active in 100+ countries, it influences sustainability policy and drives local action for low emission, nature-based, equitable, resilient and circular development.

ICLEI offers guideance and consultancy services to local governments in assessing their local sustainability situation, setting measurable targets together with local stakeholders, and evaluating success in achieving them to support local and regional governments in the implementation of sustainable development in general, and a just energy transition in particular.

See ICLEI Europe's website


The French National Institute for Solar Energy (INES, Institut National de l'Energie Solaire) is the leading solar energy centre in France and the French representative of the International Solar Alliance, dedicated to research, innovation and training on solar energy.

With its expertise and broad topic related knowledge, the institute will support the Community of Communes Cœur de Savoie in the installation of photovoltaic systems for the benefit of eligible vulnerable citizens. Moreover, INES will support the municipality in raising awareness for energy efficiency and renewable energy through dissemination of relevant informations and communication activities.

See INES's website

Jacques Delors Institute
Jacques Delors Institute

The Jacques Delors Institute (JDI) is a European think tank founded by former European Commission President Jacques Delors in 1996, today under the presidency of Enrico Letta, former Prime Minister of Italy. Based in Paris, Berlin and Brussels, the Institute produces analyses and proposals in French, English and German targeting European decision-makers and a wider audience.

A key priority of JDI is to provide policy recommendations to ensure that the energy transition is socially fair for all Europeans. In 2018, the Institute created the Jacques Delors Energy Centre devoted to research and proposals to accelerate the energy transition, the European Green Deal and achieve socially-fair climate-neutrality by 2050 in Europe. The JDI expertise and team will add value to transferability and replication activities, especially related to policy advocacy at EU level, leading the Sun4All activities addressing policy impacts.

See Jacques Delors Institute's website

Roma Capitale
Roma Capitale

The municipality of Rome represents a population of 2,800,000 inhabitants and administers a territory of 1,285 sq. km.

The responsibilities of the City of Rome cover, among others, mobility and transport, social inclusion and protection, environment, protection of cultural heritage, tourism, schools and educational services, vocational training and job placement.

Within the scope of the Sun4All project, Roma Capitale will be coordinating the adaptation of the Sun4All scheme to the local context. The city aims at working closely with local stakeholders to support the implementation of the project, and will actively promote transferability and replicability of the project activities.

See Roma Capitale's website

Sapienza University of Rome
Sapienza University of Rome

Sapienza University of Rome, which was founded in 1303, is one of the oldest universities in the world. The university's interdisciplinary Centre for Territory, Housing, Heritage and Environment (CITERA) promotes and coordinates scientific research in the following areas: Energy Saving and Distributed Micro Generation, Energy Poverty and Behavioural Energy Efficiency (BEE), Renewable Energy Sources, Hybrid energy systems, Energy and Environment, Energy Planning and Management, Building performance assessment and historical building refurbishment.

With the Sun4All project, CITERA will be responsible for the scientifc technical coordination of the project and support the project with its profound expertise in the above-mentioned fields.

See Sapienza University of Rome's website

University of Stavanger
University of Stavanger

The University of Stavanger (UiS) is Norway's sixth largest university, located in Stavanger, a city that is also called "energy capital" of Norway.

Representatives of the university will particularly support the evaluation activities conducted throughout the project duration.

See University of Stavanger's website

European Union

This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement N°101032239.