Photo by Logan Armstrong on Unsplash


Barcelona is a coastal city, located in the northeastern part of Spain. It is the capital and largest city of the autonomous community of Catalonia, as well as the second most populous municipality of Spain.

Alongside many other ambitious measures, the Sun4All project pilot will contribute to the achievement of the city's Climate protection goals.

The project will partly benefit from already planned investments in renewable energy installations in the framework of the Neighborhood Plan, which aims at supporting inhabitants of the most vulnerable neighborhoods of the city.

The municipality of Barcelona will test the Sun4All support scheme.

Sun4All financial scheme in Barcelona

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In this short interview, Sergi Delgado Treviño (Barcelona Local Energy Agency - ALEB) and Raquel Rodríguez Martínez (Ecoserveis) introduce the Sun4All pilot in Barcelona. Why did their organisations decide to join Sun4All,  a project that seeks to guarantee access to renewables for everyone? What is the specificity of the financial scheme used in Barcelona?

Finally, a beneficiary of Sun4All financial support reports on her experience with the project.

How does it work?

In Barcelona, the energy generated by the roof PV installation on the apartment building is shared among its users, which allows for a reduction of the electricity bill. Each household has a contract indicating the share of generation. In turn, data is collected on the power consumption, the savings and the social economic profiles of the households. They are then anonymised and used to advise them best.

Why here?

With the start of the Sun4All project in the city of Barcelona, focus will lie on supporting the inhabitants of two specific buildings with the installation of photovoltaic panels on the rooftops of those buildings.

One residential building is located in the Trinitat Nova neighborhood in the Nou Barris district, close to the Besos river. Trinitat Nova is one of the more disadvantaged neighborhoods in Barcelona and considered to be an area of residential vulnerability. High unemployment rates and low disposable household incomes make the inhabitants more vulnerable to energy poverty, compared to other districts.

The second building provides housing space for vulnerable households and is located in the district "Eixample". It is owned by the Municipal Institute of Housing and Renovation (Institut Municipal de l'Habitatge i Rehabilitació) of Barcelona. Inhabitants of this building benefit from already planned investments in photovoltaic installations on the rooftop of the building in the framework of the Neighborhood Plan, which aims at reducing inequalities between the various districts of the city, for example in access to water and energy.

From a climate justice perspective, the City of Barcelona considers energy poverty to be one of its biggest challenges. This is why 'energy poverty' is addressed as a major issue in Barcelona's Climate Action Plan. The city of Barcelona pursues the target of eliminating the issue of energy poverty until 2030, whereas at present 10.6 % of Barcelona's inhabitants are suffering from energy poverty, which represents more than 69,000 households.

Achieving a just energy transition, leaving no one behind, is one of the main goals of the city's Climate Action Plan. The Sun4All support scheme will contribute to the achievement of this goal.

Cristina Castells, Director of Barcelona's Local Energy Agency

"És un objectiu cabdal de Barcelona garantir l’accés a l’energia neta a tota la ciutadania, per tal de garantir una transició justa. El programa Sun4All ens permet avançar-hi, fent partícip a  la ciutadania de  manera directa de la generació fotovoltaica municipal,  millorant la manera com  consumeix energia i participant del necessari canvi de model energètic que es promou a la ciutat."


General requests:
 Sun4All Project


Sun4All Barcelona:
Tens dubtes? Contacta'ns!

+34 722893125


Sun4All Project Flyer

Catalan (PDF)
Spanish (PDF)

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Hover on the markers on the Barcelona map to get more information.

Installation on the rooftop of the building owned by the Municipal Institute of Housing and Renovation: public building in the district of Eixample.

  • 11.74 kW installed power
  • All of the produced energy is dedicated to contribute to the Sun4All project.

Installation on the rooftop of the high-complexity building: private building in the neighborhood of Trinitat Nova.

  • 5 kW installed power
  • 10 % of the produced energy is used for the building's common facilities to reduce the community’s energy costs
  • additional 45 % of the produced energy is dedicated to contribute to the Sun4All project.

Nice to know

In 2017, Barcelona opened 11 offices (one in each district of the city) called “Energy Advising Point” (PAE). Those offices are open to all citizens, in order to provide access to information about energy rights and energy efficiency and to take action to guarantee energy rights. The PAEs have attended more than 33,000 families within 3 years. This shows the strong interest in the subject of energy efficiency amongst citizens.

Image Gallery

View over Eixample district in Barcelona

View over the city of Barcelona from Tibidabo hill

First informative session with Sun4All beneficiaries in Barcelona (June 2022)

Visit of the local photovoltaic installations during the first informative session with Sun4All beneficiaries in Barcelona (June 2022)

First informative session for Sun4All beneficiaries in Barcelona (June 2022)

Get to know the other pilot locations 

European Union

This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement N°101032239.