Final event of the Interreg Europe project POWERTY
14 June 2023
On 14th June 2023, Seville will host the Final Event of the European project POWERTY, framed in the Interreg Europe programme, where the results achieved to mitigate energy poverty of vulnerable groups through the use of renewable energies will be presented.
The experts and partners of the project will present the energy poverty situation in Europe and will explain the practical cases carried out in the different participating countries, such as the development of energy storage systems in social buildings, the application of new public-private financial instruments of easy social access or how the Citizen Energy Communities empower citizens.
In this sense, during the second part of the event, special attention will be devoted to energy communities as a tool to tackle energy poverty and participants will be able to learn in detail, among others, about the energy and learning community that, thanks to the POWERTY project, has been set up in the Torreblanca neighbourhood of Seville, one of the poorest in Spain.
Aimed at professionals and experts from the renewable energy sector, consumer associations, social organisations and agents, energy communities, non-profit companies and social economy organisations, energy companies, universities and research centres and funding bodies, you can register here if you would like to participate.
Image (Photo by Joan Oger on Unsplash)
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This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement N°101032239.