Capacity-building workshop: Inclusive energy services to fight energy poverty and empower citizens
20 June 2023, 09:00 - 13:00
As the energy crisis touches more and more people, it becomes even more important to empower people in vulnerable situations to take ownership and benefit from renewable energy production. Short-term support doesn’t go far enough. Structural changes in the energy supply are needed to truly improve the condition of vulnerable households.
Three European projects are organising a capacity-building workshop for municipal energy entrepreneurs with a social purpose. It will gather public authority representatives, municipal utilities, entrepreneurs, renewable energy communities and citizen energy communities, researchers and committed citizens. During this session, different European experiences around energy solidarity and a more democratic energy market will be presented to inspire you – and hopefully to bring social innovation into the EU Commission’s current electricity market design reform:
As a side event to the EU Sustainable Energy Week, the 3-hours workshop will take place in Brussels (Mundo Madou, Av. des Arts 7/8). The workshop will end at 12:00 pm and participants are invited to stay for a networking lunch.
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Image (Photo by Christina on Unsplash)
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This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement N°101032239.