Braga's holistic approach to tackling energy poverty: outcomes from Sun4All Community of Practice

2 August 2024

Braga's holistic approach to tackling energy poverty: outcomes from Sun4All Community of Practice

In Braga, a collaborative effort involving local universities, municipal enterprises such as Bragahabit, and national agencies such as the National Energy Agency has been underway to address energy poverty in social neighbourhoods. A key finding was the lack of energy-saving knowledge among residents, which spurred initiatives to train technicians, teachers, and community members on poverty mitigation and renewable energy solutions.

During Braga's Climate Week in September 2023, workshops organised by Coopernico (an external service provider), and the National Energy Agency educated diverse audiences, including school students and local communities. Students actively engaged with residents in social neighbourhoods, conducting energy audits and offering practical advice on energy efficiency improvements.

One notable outcome was the development of Braga's "One Stop Shop," a resource centre integrating information from various stakeholders to facilitate energy-saving initiatives. Plans are underway to expand this model to 12 smaller centres across Braga, enhancing accessibility to energy-saving resources. Additionally, efforts are ongoing to implement collective self-consumption photovoltaic panel projects aimed at saving energy during non-peak hours, benefitting local neighbourhoods.

The participation of Braga to Sun4All Community of Practice underscored the importance of collaboration among stakeholders to streamline efforts and avoid duplication. Challenges such as bureaucratic hurdles and funding shortages were identified, highlighting the need for long-term planning and sustained support for renewable energy projects.

Moving forward, recommendations include prioritising continuous training to keep stakeholders informed and motivated, while actively seeking partnerships to bolster project implementation. Braga aims to share its experiences with neighbouring municipalities, fostering a regional network for sustainable energy practices and mutual support.

By leveraging lessons learned and fostering collaboration, Braga is poised to lead by example in combating energy poverty and promoting sustainable development in Portugal and beyond.

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European Union

This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement N°101032239.