Local work plans of community work
This deliverable constitutes a structured plan of the various engagement strategies, communication methods, events of community-building, and activities to raise the energy literacy of beneficiaries and additional interested households that shall be implemented as part of Sun4All project. Along these lines, it details how each of the four pilots will provide a more comprehensive, enriching and educative experience to beneficiaries, by making available a diverse range of resources and activities to train and empower participants with regard to domestic energy efficiency, renewable energy communities, and energy sustainability.
Overall, these activities will seek to close the knowledge gap relative to energy usage and consumption, and to the energy transition, that has so far substantially hindered the involvement of vulnerable households in the efforts to promote a fairer and more clean supply of energy to the population of the European Union.
Publication Date: 04 Aug 2022
Author: Mariona Bonsfills and Raquel Rodríguez, Associació Ecoserveis
This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement N°101032239.