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Sun4All Capacity and Training Package

The main objective of the Sun 4 All Capacity and Training Package is to help cities and other stakeholders to understand and address energy poverty more efficiently, ensuring...

Publication Date: 10 Oct 2023

Author: Jurijs Grizans, ICLEI European Secretariat

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Policy Note

Policy brief: The EU framework on energy communities

This policy brief gives a brief overview of political and regulatory context at European level for the development of energy communities, focusing on their social role. The...

Publication Date: 09 Oct 2023

Author: Klervi Kerneïs, Jacques Delors Institute

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Monitoring Report on implementation

This document is a monitoring report on the implementation of the Sun4All project. Its purpose is to describe the progress of the implementation, to summarize the main achievements and issues, as well as the most significant results.

Publication Date: 29 Sep 2023

Author: Xavier Bouvier, INES – Institut National de l’Energie Solaire

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Comparative analysis of the regulatory framework in Sun4All pilot cities

Publication Date: 31 May 2023

Author: Klervi Kerneïs and Camille Defard, Jacques Delors Institute

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Implementation Plan of Sun4All Programme

The Implementation Plan of Sun4All Programme establishes the Implementation Plan for each pilot. It describes the implementation processes that the pilots will follow in order...

Publication Date: 09 Aug 2022

Author: Catarina Alves, Ageneal

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European Union

This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement N°101032239.